Dungeon Guides

Dragonflight Dungeons

Name Location
Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Coming Soon…
The Nokhud Offensive Dungeon Coming Soon…
Brackenhide Hollow Dungeon Coming Soon…
Halls of Infusion Dungeon Coming Soon…
Algeth’ar Academy Dungeon Coming Soon…
Neltharus Dungeon Coming Soon…
The Azure Vault Dungeon Coming Soon…
Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr Dungeon Coming Soon…
Dawn of the Infinite Dungeon Coming Soon…

Dragonflight Raids

Name Location
Amirdrassil the Dreams Hope Emerald Dream, Dragon Isles

The Shadowlands Dungeons

Name Location
The Necrotic Wake Bastion, The Shadowlands
Plaguefall Maldraxxus, The Shadowlands
Mists of Tirna Scithe Ardenweald, The Shadowlands
Halls of Atonement Revendreth, The Shadowlands
De Other Side Ardenweald, The Shadowlands
Theater of Pain Dungeon Coming Soon…
Spires of Ascension Bastion, The Shadowlands
Sanguine Depths Dungeon Coming Soon…
Tazavesh, the Veiled Market Dungeon Coming Soon…

Battle For Azeroth Dungeons

Name Location
Atal’Dazar Zuldazar, Zandalar
Temple of Sethraliss Vol’dun, Zandalar
The Underrot Nazmir, Zandalar
Freehold Tiragarde Sound, Kul Tiras
Shrine of the Storm Stormsong Valley, Kul Tiras
Waycrest Manor Drustvar, Kul Tiras
Tol Dagor Tol Dagor, Kul Tiras
The MOTHERLODE!! Zuldazar, Zandalar
Siege of Boralus Tiragarde Sound, Kul Tiras
Kings’ Rest Zuldazar, Zandalar


Legion Dungeons

Name Location
Darkheart Thicket Val’sharah, The Broken Isles
Eye of Azshara Azsuna, The Broken Isles
Halls of Valor Stormheim, The Broken Isles
Neltharion’s Lair Highmountain, The Broken Isles
Assault on Violet Hold Dalaran, The Broken Isles
Black Rook Hold Val’Sharah, The Broken Isles
Maw of Souls Stormheim, The Broken Isles
Vault of the Wardens Azsuna, The Broken Isles
Court of Stars Suramar, The Broken Isles
The Arcway Suramar, The Broken Isles
Lower Return to Karazhan Deadwind Pass, Eastern Kingdoms
Upper Return to Karazhan Deadwind Pass, Eastern Kingdoms
Cathedral of Eternal Night The Broken Shore, The Broken Isles
Seat of the Triumvirate Eredath, Argus


Warlords of Draenor Dungeons

Name Location
Bloodmaul Slag Mines Frostfire Ridge, Draenor
Iron Docks Gorgrond, Draenor
Auchindoun Talador, Draenor
Skyreach Spires of Arak, Draenor
Shadowmoon Burial Grounds Shadowmoon Valley, Draenor
The Everbloom Gorgrond, Draenor
Grimrail Depot Gorgrond, Draenor
Upper Blackrock Spire Blackrock Mountain, Eastern Kingdoms


Mists of Pandaria Dungeons

Name Location
Stormstout Brewery Valley of the Four Winds, Pandaria
Temple of the Jade Serpent The Jade Forest, Pandaria
Mogu’shan Palace Vale of Eternal Blossoms, Pandaria
Shado-Pan Monastery Kun-Lai Summit, Pandaria
Gate of the Setting Sun Vale of Eternal Blossoms, Pandaria
Siege of Niuzao Temple Townlong Steppes, Pandaria
Scarlet Halls Tirisfal Glades, Eastern Kingdoms
Scarlet Monastery Tirisfal Glades, Eastern Kingdoms
Scholomance Western Plaguelands, Eastern Kingdoms


Cataclysm Dungeons

Name Location
Throne of the Tides Abyssal Breach, Vashj’ir
Blackrock Caverns Blackrock Mountain, Eastern Kingdoms
The Stonecore Deepholm, The Maelstrom
The Vortex Pinnacle Uldum, Kalimdor
Grim Batol Twilight Highlands, Eastern Kingdoms
Lost City of the Tol’vir Uldum, Kalimdor
Halls of Origination Uldum, Kalimdor
Zul’Aman Ghostlands, Eastern Kingdoms
Zul’Gurub Northern Stranglethorn, Eastern Kingdoms
End Time Tanaris, Kalimdor
Well of Eternity Tanaris, Kalimdor
Hour of Twilight Tanaris, Kalimdor
Deadmines Westfall, Eastern Kingdoms
Shadowfang Keep Silverpine Forest, Eastern Kingdoms


Wrath of the Lich King Dungeons

Name Location
Utgarde Keep Howling Fjord, Northrend
The Nexus Borean Tundra, Northrend
Azjol-Nerub Dragonblight, Northrend
Ahn’kahet: The Old Kingdom Dragonblight, Northrend
Drak’Tharon Keep Grizzly Hills, Northrend
Violet Hold Dalaran City, Northrend
Gundrak Zul’Drak, Northrend
Halls of Stone The Storm Peaks, Northrend
Halls of Lightning The Storm Peaks, Northrend
The Oculus Borean Tundra, Northrend
Utgarde Pinnacle Howling Fjord, Northrend
The Culling of Stratholme Tanaris, Kalimdor
Trial of the Champion Icecrown, Northrend
The Forge of Souls Icecrown, Northrend
Pit of Saron Icecrown, Northrend
Halls of Reflection Icecrown, Northrend


The Burning Crusade Dungeons

Name Location
Hellfire Ramparts Hellfire Peninsula, Outland
The Blood Furnace Hellfire Peninsula, Outland
The Slave Pens Zangarmarsh, Outland
The Underbog Zangarmarsh, Outland
Mana-Tombs Terokkar Forest, Outland
Auchenai Crypts Terokkar Forest, Outland
Old Hillsbrad Foothills Tanaris, Kalimdor
Sethekk Halls Terokkar Forest, Outland
Shadow Labyrinth Terokkar Forest, Outland
The Shattered Halls Hellfire Peninsula, Outland
The Steamvault Zangarmarsh, Outland
The Botanica Netherstorm, Outland
The Mechanar Netherstorm, Outland
Magister’s Terrace Isle of Quel’Danas, Eastern Kingdoms
The Arcatraz Netherstorm, Outland
The Black Morass Tanaris, Kalimdor


Classic Dungeons

Name Location
Ragefire Chasm Orgrimmar, Kalimdor
Deadmines Westfall, Eastern Kingdoms
Wailing Caverns Northern Barrens, Kalimdor
Shadowfang Keep Silverpine Forest, Eastern Kingdoms
Blackfathom Deeps Ashenvale, Kalimdor
Stormwind Stockade Stormwind City, Eastern Kingdoms
Gnomeregan Dun Morogh, Eastern Kingdoms
Scarlet Halls Tirisfal Glades, Eastern Kingdoms
Scarlet Monastery Tirisfal Glades, Eastern Kingdoms
Maraudon: The Wicked Grotto Desolace, Kalimdor
Razorfen Kraul Southern Barrens, Kalimdor
Maraudon: Foulspore Cavern Desolace, Kalimdor
Maraudon: Earth Song Falls Desolace, Kalimdor
Uldaman Badlands, Eastern Kingdoms
Dire Maul: Warpwood Quarter Feralas, Kalimdor
Scholomance Western Plaguelands, Eastern Kingdoms
Dire Maul: Capital Gardens Feralas, Kalimdor
Razorfen Downs Thousand Needles, Kalimdor
Dire Maul: Gordok Commons Feralas, Kalimdor
Stratholme: Main Gate Eastern Plaguelands, Eastern Kingdoms
Zul’Farrak Tanaris, Kalimdor
Stratholme: Service Entrance Eastern Plaguelands, Eastern Kingdoms
Blackrock Depths: Detention Block Blackrock Mountain, Eastern Kingdoms
The Temple of Atal’Hakkar Swamp of Sorrows, Eastern Kingdoms
Blackrock Depths: Upper City Blackrock Mountain, Eastern Kingdoms
Lower Blackrock Spire Blackrock Mountain, Eastern Kingdoms


  1. So sad this website is no loner updated, I still visit it often.

    I found a replacement at http://www.tankingfornoobs.com , Shadowlands dungeons are on there, raids and xmog runs are planned content, as well as video’s for everything. Looking good so far.

  2. I LOVE this site. As someone who only started playing WoW recently and doesn’t know anything, I want to go back and solo old dungeons without getting lost so this is SO helpful. Does anybody know if there’s a similar site for raids?

  3. Hello, just wanted to say your pictures of the dungeon entrances are SO helpful, I use them frequently and really appreciate how clear it is and how it shows the best flight paths to take. Thank you for your service!

  4. It’s a real shame that the website won’t be updated anymore, I could really use the shadowlands dungeons here as well. Does anyone know of a similar website for shadowlands dungeons?

  5. this is exactly what I was looking for. Something very straightforward and easy to understand. Where are the instances, who the bosses are, can they be done in Heroic. I have a desire to solo as many as I can but I needed a cheat sheet of which ones existed and where. This is absolutely spot on!!!

  6. Thank you so much. I’ve just started tanking and my biggest issue is not standing around like an idiot trying to to decrypt the in-game map.

  7. Finding this site was a great Christmas present. Thanks so much! I’m a tank who only tanks raids and guild groups because I get lost. (Waycrest eats my lunch.) While my guildies won’t mind saying “go left here” in Discord, that doesn’t work for pugs. Now I can do my thing all the time! <3

  8. THANK YOU. No other dungeon guides are so concise and show floor by floor directions. I keep it open in a second monitor, and the paste into chat instructions are amazing! I think every wow player needs this site.. You should port it all to wowhead? But THANK you! Very well done, I can stop using sticky notes on my desk!!

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