You can find the Skyreach dungeon entrance within Spires of Arak, Draenor.
The coordinates are (35.8, 35.0)
1. Ranjit2. Araknath3. Rukhran4. High Sage Viryx
Quick Boss Tactics:
/i Move boss around outside of circle to help keep middle clear. Avoid the spinning blades that rotate round.
/i Move boss around outside of circle to help keep middle clear. Avoid the spinning blades that rotate round.
Heroic Differences: A laser beam will follow a player leaving a trail of fire, run the beam away from others around the outside.
Quick Boss Tactics:
/i Burst is unavoidable damage to entire party, damage increases the more its cast. Players needs to stand in way of beams to block it from reaching boss (1 player per beam).
/i Burst is unavoidable damage to entire party, damage increases the more its cast. Players needs to stand in way of beams to block it from reaching boss (1 player per beam).
Heroic Differences: There will be two beams to block.
Quick Boss Tactics:
/i Birds will fixate on a player, kite bird around & the dps nuke them. DO NOT kill birds near any piles of ash on floor otherwise it spawns more birds.
/i Birds will fixate on a player, kite bird around & the dps nuke them. DO NOT kill birds near any piles of ash on floor otherwise it spawns more birds.
Heroic Differences: Group take cover when boss casts Quills. Run behind the pillar to avoid damage from the quills fired through the air.
Quick Boss Tactics:
/i A Solar Zealot will pick up a player to carry them over the edge, focus kill bird before it drops player. A laser beam will follow a player, run beam away from others. Focus kill Shield Construct, interrupt Shielding.
/i A Solar Zealot will pick up a player to carry them over the edge, focus kill bird before it drops player. A laser beam will follow a player, run beam away from others. Focus kill Shield Construct, interrupt Shielding.
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