You can find the Maraudon The Wicked Grotto dungeon within Desolace, Kalimdor.
The coordinates are (29.9,63.0)
1. Tinkerer Gizlock2. Lord Vyletongue3. Celebras the Cursed
Quick Boss Tactics:
/i Watch out for the bombs thrown at a random player. Avoid his Goblin Dragon Gun attack (shoots fire in front of him).
/i Watch out for the bombs thrown at a random player. Avoid his Goblin Dragon Gun attack (shoots fire in front of him).
Quick Boss Tactics:
/i Kill the Shadowstalker guards to get them out the way. Boss teleports around. Throws a Smoke Bomb which stuns players. Fires Multi-Shot hitting multiple players.
/i Kill the Shadowstalker guards to get them out the way. Boss teleports around. Throws a Smoke Bomb which stuns players. Fires Multi-Shot hitting multiple players.
Quick Boss Tactics:
/i Ignore the summoned Corrupt Forces & focus attacking boss. Watch out for Twisted Tranquility reducing players movement & time between their attacks. Wrath & Entangling Roots are Interruptible.
/i Ignore the summoned Corrupt Forces & focus attacking boss. Watch out for Twisted Tranquility reducing players movement & time between their attacks. Wrath & Entangling Roots are Interruptible.
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