Utgarde Keep

You can find Utgarde Keep dungeon within Howling Fjord.
The coordinates are (57.8,50.3)

Click for Dungeon Entrance:


Map 1Map 2Map 3


1. Prince Keleseth

Prince-Keleseth-ModelQuick Boss Tactics:
/i Freezes a player in ice dealing frost damage, you can free players by attacking tomb. Summons Skeletons to fight, they will keep reviving themselves 20 secs after being killed.


2. Skarvald and Dalronn

Skarvald-the-Constructor-ModelQuick Boss Tactics:
/i Skarvald deals physical damage, stuns & knocks back. Dalronn uses Shadow Bolt, interrupt this. When 1 boss dies he will continue fighting as a ghost.

Heroic Differences: Skarvald also Enrages. Dalronn summons two skeletons, interrupt this.

3. Ingvar the Plunderer

Ingvar-the-Plunderer-ModelQuick Boss Tactics:
/i Avoid frontal cones Smash & Dark Smash. Deals physical & shadow damage. Increases speed with Enrage, this stacks. Move away from spinning axe, lands on player. Interrupts players spell casting with Roars.

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