Pit of Saron

You can find the Pit of Saron dungeon within Icecrown.
The coordinates are (52.2,89.1)

Click for Dungeon Entrance:
The-Frozen-Halls-Dungeon-Entrances Map

Make your way to Icecrown Citadel at the bottom of map and fly up to the right side of building, the second level you should see a small entrance on the left side.


The portal for this dungeon is the right one The Pit of Saron Portcullis.


Map 1


1. Forgemaster Garfrost

Forgemaster-Garfrost-ModelQuick Boss Tactics:
/i Permafrost hits all in line of sight, stacks frost damage taken. Throws Saronite, avoid this. Stomps & stuns players, forges a weapon increases his frost damage. Avoid frontal cone Chilling Wave. Slows a players movement then freezes & damages them.

2. Ick & Krick

Krick-ModelQuick Boss Tactics:
/i Kicks a player damaging & knocks back. Player being pursued by Ick run away. Stand far away to avoid Poison Nova. Run away from exploding orbs. Avoid green toxic on ground. Uses Shadow Bolt.


3. Scourgelord Tyrannus

Scourgelord-Tyrannus-ModelQuick Boss Tactics:
/i Knocks a player back dealing damage, Rimefang ordered to attack players, avoid patches of ice on ground, Hoarfrost inflicts frost damage and stuns all nearby players.

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